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Such a Place

Writer: Linda WidrickLinda Widrick

Updated: Mar 26, 2018

Are you overwhelmed today?  When I allow myself to think about what’s really going on, deep inside, I cringe. On the surface, it may not look like anything big. I have a good job, a loving  family, a fantastic husband.  But when I stop and count the projects that are on my plate—the commitments that I made for several upcoming events, the bills that appear to be in competition with Vesuvius, the manuscript that I was supposed to have finished by now that I’ve barely started—the list goes on. This doesn’t include the projects around the house or the personal challenges I am facing that I will leave unspoken.

“Deep underneath those wings, there is shelter. One is oblivious to the world around it, when nestled tight against the warmth of its body, beneath the layers of feathers that intertwine with purpose.”

Times like this can be overwhelming. Like water crashing ashore, it seems as if there is no margin of error before I’ll be sucked under the power of the surf.  Now that I think of it, I even dreamed last night that I was in a boat in the midst of insurmountable waves. In a moment, heavy sprays spilled over the boat, threatening to steal my attention by focusing on it, rather than the security of the boat’s otherwise dry interior.

That split second of spray morphed into the next breath of surf that now rose three times higher than the edge of the boat. It appeared catastrophic. Yet somehow, I remained safe. 

I am reminded of the secret place, that tiny sliver of safety that lies underneath the tightly wrapped wings of the bird that chirps outside my window as I write this morning. 

Deep underneath those wings, there is shelter. One is oblivious to the world around it, when nestled tight against the warmth of its body, beneath the layers of feathers that intertwine with purpose.

That’s how our Father wants to find us. Trusting. Believing. Waiting on Him to see us through when the waves around us threaten to sink us.

Psalms 91 reminds us that the one who dwells in the secret place of the most high will abide in the shadow of the almighty.  He promises to cover that one (the one who dwells) with His feathers, so that underneath them, we fully trust.  

If you are feeling overwhelmed, there’s no need to be afraid, no need to worry. Rest in Him. He’s got you covered. Your only responsibility is to dwell, so that you can trust.

Then stay there. In such a place as this, no matter where you are.   


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